

日期: 2019-09-24 18:42






At the end of August every year, universities start their classes one after another. What is different from the past is that the registration process of freshmen has changed. Many universities have introduced face recognition system, which allows freshmen to quickly check their identity and complete registration. The process is similar to the "consistency" checks required for identity CARDS and ticket holders when arriving for high-speed trains and planes.

At present, face recognition - system - has been installed in dormitory buildings, libraries, as well as the soaring student activity center and other places on the campus, realizing the efficient and convenient personnel management of these places. At the same time, there are corresponding preventive measures for suspects and blacklists to provide students with year-round reliable security.

As an important field of artificial intelligence commercial application, "face recognition" is in full bloom. Whether in communities or high-speed rail stations, or universities, face recognition is introduced to improve efficiency and overall social safety. Now, face scanning is rapidly spreading through pilot cities.

Face recognition technology was recently introduced into the medical industry in huzhou, zhejiang province. Users can conduct identity verification through - face painting - to complete registration, diagnosis and treatment, payment, social security card use records and other operations. It is worth mentioning that "face scanning" allows doctors to obtain the patient's past medical history and related health information to prevent "missed diagnosis" and "misdiagnosis". In addition, the use of this technology can accurately target patients and effectively supervise the medical insurance fund. "Black technology", such as face scanning, allows local residents to go to the doctor easily, for example, without carrying medical insurance CARDS or medical records, or to see a doctor at any hospital or community health service station in the county.

In fact, it is not difficult to find that face brushing can be introduced to improve efficiency in any scenario that requires account password for identity verification. Especially for middle-aged and elderly users who are difficult to memorize multiple groups of complex passwords, face verification can solve a lot of problems.